Albeit their great success in developing a strong
foundation of modern physics, physicists are still unable to reconcile the two
most fundamental but contradictory theories: the relativity theory and quantum
mechanics. Any attempt to reconcile those two theories was simply doomed to
failure. Quantum theory requires "weird" things such as
discontinuity, non-locality, and non-causality as its key features, whereas
relativity theory implies the ordinary.
There have been many discussions on the correctness of
those fundamental theories, and yet we are still far away from the end. In the
famous grand debate between Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr in the late of
1920s, Einstein refused to accept the Copenhagen interpretation on the quantum
reality which Bohr was the proponent. Einstein stubbornly maintained his
standpoint until he died. Physicists continue at trying to unify those theories
until recently, but surprisingly enough they spent most of their time on
abstract mathematics and hypothetical objects which probably has no physical
significance at all.
Scientific progress can lead to a kind of
forgetfulness. We often take for granted the premises that prevail in our time
as the starting points for our thinking. We must remember that the foundations
of those premises get covered over by a series of answer and question built
upon them. The new questions are built from the answers that were given to the
old questions which are now no longer asked1.
The special theory of relativity is one of such
foundations we like to revisit. Most physicists believe that the special
relativity theory is a finish theory and there should be no more questions
about it.
Energy, the Primordial
The special relativity theory concerns the
fundamentals namely space, time, energy, and matter which nature has puzzled
people for hundreds of years. The theory has unified those fundamentals into
two distinct entities: the spacetime and energy.
Einstein unified the energy and matter into a single
substance: the energy. A small amount of matter can be converted into a vast
amount of energy that we can tap as we wish, for good or evil purposes. This
discovery, expressed in Einstein famous equation E = mc2, becomes one of the basic foundations of the
progress in our modern life.
Another remarkable achievement in the relativity
theory was the discovery of the spacetime. Hermann Minkowski (1908) unified the
space and time into a single entity called spacetime and demonstrated that as
an individual, space and time are incidental to the four-dimensional spacetime.
He bluntly stated2:" space by itself, and
time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of
union of the two will preserve an independent reality."
Einstein failed to grasp the opportunity to put these
two into unification and blending them to build a grander theory. He leaped,
instead, to study the effect of energy [and matter] on the curvature of
spacetime to solve the problem of gravity which was his primary obsession.
So the rest is history.
Spacetime and energy are not in an equal footing as we
think. The spacetime is not like a sort of container and energy something that
fills the container. The energy and spacetime, on the contrary, are
inextricable just like water substance and its spherical form in a drop of
water. In plain English, the energy is noun and spacetime adjective, i.e. the
geometrical quality of energy.
The spacetime does have no existence on its own. We
would rather say in Minkowski's style:" the spacetime by itself and energy
by itself are doomed to fade away into mere shadow and only a kind of union of
the two will preserve an independent reality.”
As a complete theory, the special relativity should
assert that energy as the only independent reality in nature. It is primordial;
neither can be destroyed nor created, omnipresent; permeating throughout every
part of an object or a place. It is the source of everything else. It is the
underlying reality of the energy conservation principle, the most fundamental
law of nature.
The Spacetime’s Dimensions
The dimensionality of the spacetime reflects the
degree of freedom or potency of energy. The special relativity theory reveals
that energy is four-dimensional a). The ancients
called this four-dimensional primordial substance: water. Apparently, what they
meant was watery like substance, not the ordinary one. We may call it
"eter" b) (energy-water) to
distinguish it from the conventional notation of energy as we know it in our
daily life.
Nobody can perceive four-dimensional energy as a
whole. What we know about energy in our daily life is only superficial. We know
from the school3 that energy seems to be a mere
mathematical abstraction that has no existence apart from its functional
relationship to other variables or coordinates. We are used to be trained to
see the world upside down.
Some advanced theories demonstrate that quantum
interactions require higher dimensions. The superstring theory demands ten
dimensions. Why ten dimensions? When Einstein postulated that the spacetime
could be curved under the effect of energy, he saw it only intrinsically and
just ignored what kind of surroundings which allow this to happen. He did not
bother that for such a 4-dimensional spacetime to be curved, it needs at least
ten-dimensional embedding expanses. It is demonstrated in the corresponding
metric tensor which requires ten independent variables. Viewing extrinsically
these independent variables are nothing but the dimensions of the embedding
surrounding space. If the surrounding expanse is just five-dimensional, then
the embedded 4-spacetime should be nothing but flat. As a general rule4, we can extend this phenomenon to the spacetime of
infinitely many dimensions. The following question naturally arises: Under what
circumstances an n-dimensional manifold (expanse) can embed the m-dimensional
hypersurface? The answer is that the surrounding expanse should have at least n
= 1/2 m(m+1) dimensions.
It certainly opens to a new paradigm that may lead us
to the infinite realm; not in the sense of infinite of its expansion but its
dimensions. There is in nature a broad spectrum of energies of various
potencies and degree of freedoms a). They
superimpose each other with their relative position subsequently analogous to
the position of a point to a line, line to surface, surface to space and space
to hyperspace and so on (Fig. 1A and 1B). The point in this illustration (Fig.
1B) is our dear little universe where all of its planets, stars, galaxies,
cluster of galaxies and so forth embedded in much higher dimensional worlds.
Figure 1. The relative position of multidimensional worlds
The Undivided Spacetime
In its originality, as a single undivided whole, the spacetime
by itself and from its nature is shapeless and formless. It is timeless in the
sense that there is no clear cut between the past, present, and future. It is
also space-less in the sense that there is no locality for world events to take
place. As such space and time have no physical reality. Not even a single light
or matter can exist; it was in total darkness. The ancients referred to this
primordial unity a cosmic egg and its respective condition watery chaos.
Within such an undivided spacetime no spatial
dimensions yet to be present. As such, all dimensions are temporal c). The modern physics has taken for granted this
undivided whole four-dimensional spacetime to represent the real physical
world. It is the root of the troubles that we have now in physics. Strangely
enough, most physicists seem quite comfortable and believe that nothing in
relativity corresponds to the universality of the experienced now. For
physicist, the universal now is against the basic principle of the relativity
of simultaneity.
Einstein seemed a little bit uncertain about his
concept of spacetime but was reasoning in somewhat vicious circle5: “the non-divisibility of the four-dimensional
continuum of events does not at all, however, involve the equivalence of the
space coordinate with the time coordinate. On the contrary, we must remember
that the time coordinate is defined physically wholly differently from the
space coordinates.”
So physicists used to feeling comfortable to assign
the differentiated temporal and spatial dimensions at any point throughout the
spacetime. What they do is assigning the coordinate of events, not the state of
being. Having done that, they obliged to set up a different frame of reference
in every point throughout the spacetime which can be thought of in terms of a
light cone to avoid disorder and preserve the causality.
In his book, Barbour6 underlines
Einstein’s concern about the problem of now: “… that this experience [of now]
cannot be grasped by science seemed to me a matter of painful but inevitable
resignation. So he concluded that there is something essential about the now
which is just outside the realm of science.”
Yes, Einstein himself who did put the reality of now
outside the realm of science. He was not aware that the spacetime could not
remain intact. The highly symmetric spacetime is extremely unstable.
Eventually, it breaks its symmetry as a result of the segregation of its
composite: the repulsive positive and negative energies. The spacetime splits
in two and creating in between a hyper-interface which is nothing but the 3-space, the universal
now d).
The Split Spacetime
The creation of our material world had only begun when
the spacetime became divided. The split of the four-dimensional spacetime
creates a three-dimensional space just like the separation of oil and water
creates an interface in between - a simple phenomenon that we can observe in our
daily life.
The 3-interface (space) is not necessarily flat but
could be quiet rough, locally more or less curved, having small and large holes
here and there and accordingly its corresponding time’s direction at every
point in its surface is also quite irregular. The “thickness” of the space is
the instant, an infinitely small fraction of time (10-44second): the experience now. The whole space is
the universal now, and the now is nothing but space as a whole d).
It is noteworthy to mention that the ancients used the
same phenomenon to explain the creation of the universe. The ancient people
believed that through the division of primordial unity (cosmic egg), space was
created and order was restored. Through the separation of heaven and earth (the
metaphor of something which is above and below), cosmos was created out of
chaos. Genesis refers to the division of waters which were under and
waters which were above that created a firmament in the midst of those waters.
Apparently, both stories refer to the split of higher dimensional primordial
unity or "waters," and the firmament - the interface in between those
waters - is nothing but space itself – our universe.
The root of the word firmament in Hebrew “raqia”7 refers to how a goldsmith hammers gold leaf very
thin. Had biblical scholars known about how thin the firmament is they will be
speechless. Indeed, the thickness of the firmament - the thickness of the
space, our universe - is the Planck length unit which is 10-33 cm [equivalent to 10-44 second], the smallest universal unit that still
has physical meaning. No skillful goldsmith in the entire world can hammer the
gold leaf so thin, not even in Moses magical time. However, it should not
surprise anybody. Had our universe has no thickness at all it would completely
vanish into thin air.
Symmetry Breaking
We did not yet discuss in detail why and how the
spacetime split on itself. The spacetime in itself seems like a sort of
substantial false vacuum. However, it was not an absolute void, but energy;
otherwise, there will be no spacetime at all. The special relativity theory
reveals that energy consists of the positive and negative energies, as derived
from the relativity energy equation E2= m2c4+p2c2. These opposing
energies are required for the creation of a physical world to happen without
which the world would remain intangible, static and chaotic.
In the beginning, there was potentially as much
positive as negative energy such that the spacetime was perfectly
symmetric.This highly symmetric condition was precarious and eventually led to
a catastrophic symmetry breaking. As it happened, the spacetime turned up to
become polar with its opposing properties segregated in its two opposite poles
(Fig. 2a to 2b).
Figure 2. The segregation
of the positive and negative energies
As the opposite energies are repulsive, sort of
currents of energies circulates in both sides of the divided spacetime. It
makes the 3-interface, located in the middle of the two opposite energies,
rotating in the direction normal to its surface, i.e., the fourth [temporal]
dimension. The ancient depicted this rotating universe (3-interface) in the
direction of the temporal (fourth) dimension as symbolized as a rotating globe
representing the dynamic character of yin and yang. We will give a little
secret to understand the real physical meaning of it that nobody knows for
thousands of years. This symbol, the ancient Chinese diagram representing the
Ultimate Supreme could only be understood if it is viewed from the
four-dimensional perspective (Fig. 2c to 2f). Niel Bohr takes this symbolism as
its coat of arms14, but it seemed that he did it
only intuitively and did not really know the reason why he did it.
As the result of interplays between positive and
negative energies, different sorts of [quantum] fields and forces are created
piercing across the interface (at the distance of 10-33 cm). A sort of 4-"quantum electric"
currents piercing through the interface (space) inducing [three-dimensional]
"magnetic" and electromagnetic fields propagating across space. The
ancients marked this happening with an imperative expression: "let there
be light!"
Other sorts of quantum (Higgs?) fields generate
[quantum] sparks (quarks d)) at the
3-interface giving birth the fundamental particles, the building blocks of the
universe. The interplays between the two opposing energies produce constant
transmutation and changes at the rate equal to the speed of light.
Nothing at the interface stands still, and nothing
remains constant; nothing persists and exists on its own. Everything is under
perpetual creation and annihilation that happens non-locally as a single whole.
Fundamental particles that perpetually appear and disappear at the interface
analogous to the pixels appearing and disappearing at a giant TV screen, which
together form the whole display. The display is continually changing following
the change of the pattern of the pixels as though they are entangled as a
single whole. It is the underlying reality of the non-locality in the quantum
Although the opposing properties of spacetime have
segregated on two different sides at an equal amount, its distributions on each
side are not perfectly even. As a consequence, the interface (space) in between
the two is not perfectly flat but rough and lumpy, and possibly there are some
holes e) here and there and locally more or less
curved depending on the agglomeration of matters created at that particular
locus. Fundamental particles that are “simultaneously”d) created as a single entangled whole, under the
influence of those mentioned above three-dimensional "magnetic"
fields, attractively interact with each other that keeps them from going
asunder. It is just like the interfacial tension (the gravity constant) that
keeps the interface of oil and water from breaking apart. It is precisely the
phenomenon of gravity that Einstein had elegantly embodied in his general
relativity theory.
When the spacetime has broken up in two, the split
(crack) might create the interface in two possible ways: either the interface
was instantaneously created across the whole spacetime, or it was gradually
created starting from a certain point then "stretched out" across the
spacetime. The first case corresponds to the concept of a static universe,
while the second case the expanding universe as the alternative to the Big Bang
theory. The so-called starting "point" in the latter case is more
like a little bubble expanding in the "water" rather than a
singularity expanding ex nihilo. The split (crack) that propagates in an
accelerating speed across the spacetime gives the perception to the existence
of some extra energy driving the expansion of the universe. The mystery of dark
energy and it sorts may be revisited in this perspective.
Ephemeral Particles – The Missing Link
We used to imagine that when we continuously divide a
chunk of matter into its smaller and smaller parts, we will eventually come to
the level where we cannot divide the smallest parts anymore. The logical reason
for this is because those fundamental particles have no more internal structure
that can be divided any further. These tiny particles are like billiard balls
resting or moving around across space just like what happen in the macroscopic
Here again, we call for a paradigm shift. We can
repeat the process of the continuous split but with different logical thinking.
When we continuously divide a chunk of matter into its smaller and smaller
parts, we will eventually come to the level where we cannot divide the smallest
parts anymore. The logical reason for this is because those fundamental
particles are so small and unstable and immediately disappear into thin air. A
fundamental particle is spatially and temporally discrete (ephemeral).
The fundamental particle - whether it is a point-like
particle, string, membrane or else – should not only be the smallest but also
ephemeral. Nothing subsists in two different instants. Everything exists only
instantaneously. In every brief moment, there exists a gap, an abysm of
non-existent, between two consecutive existents. At every instant everything is
entirely new, wholly cut from before and after. The continuity and persistence
of particle at a large scale can be regarded as an underlying appearance
reality of sub-atomic reality which is discrete and ephemeral. In the macro
world, the persistence of matter is the appearance of perpetual creation and
annihilation of the quantum particles.
In the quantum world, no such a single particle
permanently exists. A single particle that we believe exists within a specific
lap of time more or less long, is, in fact, a series of different but similar
particles which are created one after another. In the quantum world we can not
throw the same dice many times, but we throw myriad ephemeral dice one by one.
What we thought as a single particle taking place simultaneously in two
different places (as in the case of the double slits experiment) was, in
reality, two similar but different particles created and annihilated almost
instantaneously. A quantum measurement is a snapshot of just only one particle
out of myriad particles which rapidly appear and disappear one after another at
the rate equal to the speed of light.
It is the dice that the physicists are looking for,
the dice that Einstein was not aware of. When Einstein played dice with Bohr,
just near the end of the game, Einstein unintentionally put the only ephemeral
dice in his pocket and while leaving said: "God does not play dice."
Defying our common sense we should make up our mind
that space is somewhat being built up from the particles instead of particles
inhabiting a previously assigned spatial geometry. Roger Penrose11 remarkably described the Galilean dynamical
concept of space similarly as the dynamical concept of ephemeral particles. He
remarked that according to Galilean relativity:" the notation of the
physical space seems to be of something that evaporates completely as one
moment passes, and reappears as a completely different space as the next moment
arrives. There is no single space to be as an arena for actions of the physical
world evolving with time; there is instead a different space for each moment in
time, with no natural identification between the various spaces. There is no
dynamical meaning to saying that a particular point in space is, or is not, the
same point as some chosen point space at a later time. Every succeeding moment
represents a new universe, similar to preceding (vaporized) universe, but also
Alas, Roger Penrose rejected such a beautiful dynamic
picture of perpetual creation and annihilation of the ephemeral universe as a
physical reality. By adding the feature of curved space to that dynamical space
concept, it would become in total agreement with the ensemble relativity
concepts from the time of Galileo up to modern physics.
The Flow of Time
We are unaware of those constant changes since the
lap's time of the individual sequence of creation and annihilation is at the
order of 10-44 second - the Planck time unit, the smallest
universal time unit that nature allows corresponds to the changes of spaces that
take place at the speed of light. The ordering of time, the essential
ingredient of the dynamical concept of time is exactly the appearance of
underlying sequences of creation and annihilation that take place at the speed
of light. When new particles come into existence, it seems to us as the
unformed future is transforming itself into the reality of now, and when they
vanish, it seems to us that the reality of now is dissolving out to the past.
This perpetual creation and annihilation are
underlying the reality of the flow of time. The direction of the said
electromagnetic waves and thus the irreversibility of the constant change and
transformation sequences determine the direction of the time flow. It is the
fundamental phenomenon that explains why the speed of any given object in
(three-dimensional) space cannot exceed the speed of light which is the basic
foundation of the special relativity.
As stated in the preceding because of the repulsive
force of the positive-negative energies the 3-interface (space) is rotating in
the direction normal to its surface (the fourth dimension). Roger Penrose11 strongly ruled out the closed time-like direction
curves as unphysical for it will violate causality. We wish here to emphasize,
however, that a rotating universe around a closed time-like direction does not
necessarily violate causality and it is incredibly plausible.
However, one question is still open. If the universe
does rotate around a closed time-like direction, then how could be that nature
allows time goes forward on one side of the universe while moving backward on
the other side? The only explanation to this is that only matters are created
on one side and antimatters are equally created on the other side of the
universe as such that matters go forward in time on one side and antimatters
move backward on the other side (Fig. 3). The effect is that times will pass
forward on both sides.
Figure 3. A closed
time-like rotation
As we can see, the above elucidation answers
altogether the mystery that long puzzled the physicist about the absence of
antimatters in this corner of the universe where we are around and the possible
existence of "dark" antimatters on the other remote side of the
universe. The concept of the revolving universe seems to have been known since
time immemorial as schematically depicted in the revolving globe of "yin
and yang" that we are all familiar with but without understanding about
the real meaning of it.
It is advisable to abandon once for all the futile
debate about the time machine and with all due respects put Stephen Hawking's
chronology protection12 in a time machine museum for
there is no more worry about someone who wishes to travel back in time to kill
his or her grandmother.
Multiple Time Dimensions
So far we have been dealing with the 4-spacetime as a
stand-alone system with no consideration of its surroundings. However, the
current findings led us to a theory that requires larger dimensions - many more
than meet the eye. Theodore Kaluza (1919) first proposed a new concept that
describes interactions that occur in the spacetime whose dimensions increase to
five. By doing that Kaluza and Klein had effectively incorporated
electromagnetism into a geometric framework, just like Einstein (1915) did
similarly for the gravitational field into the geometric of the
four-dimensional spacetime. Werner Heisenberg (1929) indicated that the quantum
theory required a space of infinitely many dimensions, although he believed
that the space was not real but imaginary.
So today most of the physicists have to deal with
higher-dimensional spacetime and are used to working comfortably with, such as
the ten dimensions that are required by string theory. Moreover, yet, hardly
anybody can fully grasp objects having more than three dimensions and tend to
treat them as a mathematic object rather than tangible things.
However, as did Kaluza and Klein who assumed that the
additional fifth dimension had curled up into the folded fabric of cosmos, the
string theory also includes such speculation for the extra dimensions into tiny
loops. So this is the source of trouble. We do not need to adopt the concept of
curled up dimensions just only because we can not see them. This misleading
premise leads us to so many bizarre things that we have to confront, such as
the hypothetic Callabi-Yau little things that so much exhausted our precious
energy to study it.
We wish to emphasize, instead, that all of those extra
dimensions are well extended, and there are as many as extra extended
dimensions available whatever required by the theory. However, why then we can
not see all of them? Again, the relativity invariance principle rigorously
maintains the space and time symmetry and allows the transformation of space
and time from one to another depending on the frame of reference we are taking
on. When we view it intrinsically (from within), the extra dimensions look like
temporal dimensions. However, if we view it extrinsically (from outside) then
all dimensions look like spatial dimensions except the highest one remains as a
temporal dimension. Under such premises where we have multiple temporal
dimensions, we can explain the non-locality, the entanglement phenomenon, the
universal simultaneity which takes place at a time of higher dimension.
However, why and how nature has such ten-dimensional
spacetime in addition to the ordinary four-dimensional spacetime? The
"official" explanation to this question is that the ten-dimensional
spacetime cracked in two, creating two separated worlds: a four-dimensional- and
a six-dimensional spacetime. The four-dimensional spacetime expanded
explosively, while the six-dimensionally spacetime contracted until it shrank
to a tiny size. This mode of splitting is very odd just as odd as splitting a
three-dimensional cube in two part to get a plane and a line. One should do.
Instead, a series of splits starting from slicing the cube to get planes and
then cut the plane to get lines and cut the line to get points.
The initial conditions of the ten-dimensional
spacetime were similar but more intense than the ones of the four-dimensional
spacetime. When eventually this ten-dimensional spacetime broke up in two
parts, a nine-dimensional spacetime came into being in between those two — the
split of the later created in turn an eight-dimensional spacetime. The same
process continued successively until finally the four-dimensional spacetime was
born. In the end, we have a total of seven spacetimes ("heavens")
coexist and overlap one within another at a different level of dimensions. Each
heaven has its dimensional system - its own space and own time - and, hence,
its corresponding light. Had we told the above process in a little bit
different way one would believe to have been told a biblical genesis with its
seven days of creation.
It is now possible to geometrize and visualize all
interactions and forces under the multidimensional framework that we have
established so far. We can depict them as an interface of a 4-dimensional
oil-water system. The geometry relationship between space and time: space can
be depicted as the 3-interface and time the 4-continuum (the continuum above
the interface represents the future, the continuum below represents the past or
vice versa depending on the rotational direction normal to the surface of the
interface). Matter and energy: matter can be depicted as created (and
annihilated) at the 3-interface, energy as the 4-continuum (the continuum above
the interface represents negative energy, the continuum below represents the
positive energy or vice versa again depending on the rotational direction of
the interface). From those analogies, we can deduce the relationship between
the strong and weak forces, the weak and electromagnetic forces, the
electromagnetic and gravity forces and different kind of quantum (Higgs fields?),
or else as you wish.
A Journey to the Frontier
The superstring theory and the relativity's 4-curved
spacetime require a surrounding of ten dimensions that bring us to the seven
heavens' realm. However, at its current status, the superstring theory is advancing
far enough that it demands an additional dimension – the eleventh. The later
could be just the tip of an iceberg, the pseudo-dimension which represents the
remaining undetected [mathematically] higher [temporal] dimensions.
With the discussion that we have so far, we should say
that our imaginary journey to the frontier together with "our ancient
friends" will soon come to an end. We have left far behind us our
beautiful (3D) space with its myriad stars and galaxies majestically whirling around.
Our old friends simply named it the world of "solid." So far we have been passing rapidly through
the seven heavens (4D to 10D worlds) that our dear friends symbolized by
"waters." They explained further that what Genesis meant by the seven
days of creation was nothing but the seven different time dimensions with their
corresponding seven heavens. Beyond our 4-world, the time became longer as the
dimensions of heaven became higher. The same cases were also valid for their
corresponding lights (the ancients call light upon lights); the light in higher
dimensional heaven become faster, much faster than our ordinary light.
Heading toward the eleventh dimension we were emerging
from “water” and pass across the water’s surface (10D) where we saw the
celestial sacred “lotus” was floating around. Above and around us, we have the
blue sky - the vast “air” - the eleven-dimensional spacetime and beyond (11D to
26D?). There, we feel like a carp emerging from little Michio’s water pond with
its beautiful water lilies13. We are all
speechless looking at vibrant lights shining above. In this exciting moment, we
take note that these "water" and the vast "air" above
should be the first heaven and earth which had been created in "the
beginning" of Genesis account. So our friends confirmed that the
"beresith," Genesis' beginning, was indeed relative since we still
had in front of us the world of "fire" far away beyond the sky above
(26D? and higher) which existence preceded Genesis creation.
The last remark that our friends wish to convey to us
is about the constant size ratio of those heavens from one to the next. Our
oldest friend asserts that the constant relative size ratio between one heaven
the next is just like the ratio between the size of a grain of sand as compared
to the size of the universe. "So my sons," he concludes "now you
know how big the biggest is." Our dear wise old friends are indeed very good
at using metaphors to describe reality. They use a pure substance of different
phases such as solid, water, air and fire to symbolize the degree of existence
comparable to our technical notions of actual, probable, possible and
potential. So beyond all is, of course, the impossible.
Having said that we decide to make a detour;
otherwise, we will speed up straight into the burning worlds of
"fire." To meet your curiosity, you can join later on if you wish to
have a one-way ticket mission assigned with only one simple task: going ad infinitum
to observe the source of the manifested worlds: the enormous waves of the
infinite dimensions of the gigantic ocean of pure consciousness. However, we
quite sure that even are your only imagination will be prohibited to pass
through; otherwise you will directly know the mind of God.
a. The
energy is not only 4-dimensional. It is the lowest among the variety of higher
energies in a broad spectrum of energy of infinitely many dimensions.
b. Eter; it
should be distinguished from classical “ether” whose existence was rejected by
the relativity theory.
c. More
precisely undifferentiated time dimensions (eon), there is no differentiation
of the past, present, and future. Time, like space, is multidimensional. This
space-time symmetry is one of the fundamental relativity principles which most
physicists take no notice.
d. The loci
of simultaneous events are unnecessary to happen in the fourth [time]
dimension; they could take place in a higher time dimension. The universal
simultaneity is the basis of the grand unified theory, without which the theory
will remain fragmented.
e. The small
holes could be physically sorts of what we know as a hypothetic black hole.
Simpson, Thomas K:
"Maxwell on the Electromagnetic Field," Rutgers University Press,
Fourth paperback Printing, London, 2003
Einstein, Albert et al.:
"The Principle of Relativity," Dover Publications, Inc., New York,
Abbott and Van Ness:
"Thermodynamics," Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
New York, 1967
Sokolnikoff, L.S.: "Tensor
Analysis," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Second Edition, New York, 1964
Einstein, Albert: "The
Meaning of Relativity," Princeton University Press, Fifth Edition,
Princeton, N.J. 1954
Barbour, Julian: "The
End of Time," Second Impression, Phoenix, Orion Books, London, 2001
Friedman, Richard Elliott:
"Commentary on the Torah," Harper Collins, San Francisco, 2001
Born, Max: "Einstein's
Theory of Relativity," Revised edition, Dover Publications, Inc., New
York, 1962
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