Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Quantum Annihilation and the Non-locality

The continuity of the passage of time we see in nature is not what it seems to be. It is more like the continuity of the pictures we see in the movie which are in reality the projection of a series of discrete pictures which gives us a perception of seeing events running continuously through time. While the pictures taken for the movie consisted of a series of two-dimensional images separated by gaps, those of the universe consist of a series of 1044 snapshots of the whole three-dimensional space per second separated consecutively by a gap of nonexistence (Figure 1A).

The appearance of the space together with everything it contains is what we call the present time, promptly followed by its disappearance dissolving everything into nonexistence a) we call the past. This alternation of the existence – nonexistence is what we perceive as the passage of time b) 

Why does universe seem to be so over-designed in that the inclusion of a series of wasteful nonexistence is required? Far from being futile, this gap of nonexistence is strongly needed as the means to preserve the universe as a single whole regardless of the limitation of the light speed which in this case is not applicable.

Space together with everything within dissolves entirely in such a gap of non-existence. As the locality has no longer any meaning, the state of nonexistence manifests the undivided wholeness. All become united and entangled in which the implicate order of non-locality implies c).

The state of existence which is the unfoldment of the implicate order of non-locality manifests the explicate order of locality d). The perpetual creation and annihilation, therefore, fashions alternately the locality and non-locality orders (Figure-1B). These succeeding unfoldment of the implicate and enfoldment of the explicate orders take place at the rate equal to the speed of light. Alas, David Bohm1 who first proposed the theory of the implicate order did not elaborate it to this direction, which makes people consider his theory as a mere metaphor.  

The gross sum of contributions of those explicit-implicit orders or local-nonlocal orders e) is mathematically described by what is called the wavefunction. As the quantum measurement can only gauge [the snapshot of] the explicate order, and not the complete series of the implicate-explicate orders, it gives us a perception as though the act of measurement collapses the wavefunction.

The perpetual successive transformation of the local and non-local orders which is not in point-to-point correspondence makes the quantum probabilistic mechanism seem to take over the classical deterministic mechanism. 

a.  In the state of nonexistence, everything dissolves into energy in which space and time has no meaning. It signifies that in such nonexistence the non-local order implies.
b.  It implies that there is no such [material] thing persists in nature. Everything "within" space perpetually appears and disappears "through" time, except the energy which alone persists. The persistence of matter and space are just an illusion.
c.  The enfolded order which applies within such a non-local unbroken wholeness is what David Bohm called the implicate order, taking the analogy of the "order" produced in a hologram where each of its regions makes possible an image of the whole object. Rather than being in point-to-point correspondence, the whole object is enfolded in each part of the universe.
d. As what is usually described using a Cartesian grid or its extension of curvilinear coordinates. Locality fits comfortably within the space structure which is mathematically described by a differential manifold.
e. Mostly all the laws of motion in quantum mechanics correspond to enfoldment and unfoldment. Bohm put forward that the relation between the wave function at one time and its form in another time is determined by the propagator or the Green's function. The region near a point in space enfolds contribution from all over space at other times and vice-versa in which the Green's function is taken as the weighting factor.


1.      Bohm, D. et al.: "The Undivided Universe," Routledge, London, 1993, p. 350-355.
2.      Talbot, M.: "The Holographic Universe," HarperPerennial, New York, 1992, p. 46-4

1 comment:

  1. Have you noticed that everything is striving to run down, and undifferentiate back into nonexistence. The delusive wish to live forever is to live forever to experience occasional moments of near nonexistence; whereas, you can have all of that pleasure (relief) eternally and completely. That is all that pleasure is.
    The universe is like a shaken bottle of water, the bubbles of which strive for undifferentiation to nonexistence.
    Another analogy is a straight flat sheet of rubber, which represents energy. Wrinkle that rubber. You will have to hold it to maintain the differentiation of those wrinkles. These wrinkles represent "information". Matter is called "alpha code information". Let it go, and, all the wrinkles will become nonexistent, the way they want to be, the way the sheet of rubber wants them to be.
    In quantum physics, the curve in that sheet is called the Ricci curvature. Where there is no Ricci curvature there is no matter. The differentiations of information are differentiations that also cause energy to be aware. Energy, God Himself enjoys reductions in differentiations, but due to His eternal creativity He can never attain total unconsciousness. We are only information so that we can attain total unconsciousness. If we were energy we would never sleep.
    Pain is caused by extreme differentiation; and energy, God also feels this pain. God feels the pains of His creations, so, why would He want to cause suffering? He wanted to annihilate most of mankind during the Flood to relieve His pain, greater pain caused by the cruelty of mankind. As Jesus Christ He has shown divine mercy to provide immortality for those who think they want it.
    How did I come to learn this? In digging up secrets I came upon a lesser secret called the "lost word". It is the sound of the cylinder, and it stirs closed circuitry in the brain that can be brought by the brain into confluency with the closed circuit that is our entity and thus almost completely undifferentiate it. It bypasses the veil that veils off the pleasure of deep sleep and other common causes of unconsciousness. This almost complete undifferentiation is experienced to be a satisfaction of all desires. Then it can be perceived that this is the inner heart of all pleasures.
    This sound of the cylinder is pronounced "eyennn", like the German word for one, "ein". Pay attention to this sound and you will perceive what I mean. In Hebrew this sound is the onomatopoeic word, which is spelled "aleph yod nun", and translated into Latin script "ain", which in Hebrew means "nothingness", a well (a hollow cylinder), a ring, and an eye, for when meditating on it you will see a series of concentric circles, like an eye, inside your eyelids, of the rainbow of colors, with black in the center, then violet around the black, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, and dark brown on the outside.
    Soon, you may want nonexistence too, knowing that it is eternal fulfillment, especially if meditation upon the lost word is the most available form of relief available you have.
