Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking

The asymmetry and its associated diversity that we observe today was the result of symmetry breakings which occurred in the early stage of the cosmos. In the beginning, a), the conditions were very different from those prevailing today, they were symmetric. The spatial dimensions as we know today did not yet exist; all dimensions were inherently temporal. However, as those temporal dimensions were yet undivided, there was no past, present b) and future.

At those conditions, the energy c) was unstable and tended to break into its positive and negative components. When it happened, the associated 4-spacetime (cosmos) d) was split into two parts creating an interface (3-hypersurface) in between the two. The dimensions across the interface transformed into spatial; leaving the dimensions outside it remained intact e).  Space, therefore, was born.

The two opposing energies f) perpetually generated sort of 4-lights (quantum fields) piercing through the interface (space) inducing secondary 3-(classical) fields which permeated and propagated across the interface (Figure-1A). As the quantum fields hit the interface, the strongest of them (Higgs fields) generated bright sparks which immediately disappeared as the opposite fields annihilated them (Figure-1B).

 The fundamental particles as we know are in reality nothing but these quantum-sparks which perpetually appear and disappear at the interface. As those quantum fields hit the entire surface of the interface and penetrate it only a short distance (across through the thickness of the space), they seem to us (who live in such interface/3-space) as eternal, omnipresent and invisible objects that can create and annihilate quantum particles.
Minkowski 1, g) brilliantly fused the space and time into its undifferentiated state and brought back the spacetime into its original condition. However, then, something wrong happened. Instead of bringing the spacetime back into its symmetrical condition, Einstein2assumed that such unification did not make the temporal and spatial dimensions equivalent. Einstein failed to recognize that the asymmetry as we see today was the result of the spacetime symmetry breaking. This blunder has hampered the progress of physics for more than one hundred years now.
On the discovery of the four-dimensional spacetime, Einstein3 commented: “The non-mathematician is seized by a mysterious shuddering when he hears of four-dimensional things, by a feeling not unlike that awakened by thoughts of the occult.” No wonder, even after one hundred years of experience dealing with such spacetime, physicists are still bewildered and fail to recognize that their chaotic spacetime model does not represent the post symmetry breaking we observe today.
Supersymmetry Breaking and Multidimensional Worlds

The symmetry breaking of the 4-spacetime as we previously described was only one of the long series of successive symmetry breakings. It was the last of the long chain of a successive splitting of a higher-dimensional spacetime into its lower-dimensional parts.

To make it clear, let’s take the ambient 10-spacetime as a start. As this 10-spacetime broke its supersymmetry, a 9-hypersurface came into being along with its associated temporal dimension, t7.  The latter, in turn, was split creating a smaller 8-hypersurface and its associated time, tand so forthThis series of splits continued resulting in successive creations of the spacetimes in descending order of their dimensions and ended when the 3-space came into being along with its associated time t1. A total of seven worlds h) have successively come into being with their own individual time, ti, light and its respective speed, ci, Planck constant, hi, and “gravitational” constant, Gi.  

We can depict those seven worlds in term of their relative dimensionality (Figure-2.) or pictorially described as concentric spheres whose dimensions are larger outwards, in which the innermost layer is the 3-space with all of its solar system, stars, galaxies and super-galaxies (Figure-3A).
It is worthy to note that this picture may clarify the exact physical meaning of the ancient cosmology. For hundreds of years, people had wrongly considered this configuration as the geocentric cosmology in which the earth was at the center of the universe (Figure-3B). Even now, modern physicists fail to properly grasp the multidimensionality of the seven heavens described in the ancient cosmology 4.

a.    It is the relative beginning, not the beginning of time.
b.   The notation of spacetime given for the cosmos at its original state is misleading as it gives the impression as it was asymmetrical from the beginning. It would be more appropriate if we use the notation world, cosmos or more technically [metric] manifold.
c. Energy in its entirety (4-energy); to avoid misunderstanding it would be more appropriate if we use the ancient notation: eon or simply eon.  The energy as we know is merely its superficial property (3-energy).
d.   There was no space, as space and the present time are different aspects of the same thing.
e.  This symmetry breaking is analogous to the phenomenon which occurs in the separation of two immiscible liquids, such as oil and water. In the body of the liquids, the cohesive forces are symmetric exerting equally in all directions. At the interface, however, such symmetry is broken because of unbalanced force exerting at the interface. As the system is in equilibrium,  the potential energy known as interfacial tension counter the net unbalance force. In terms of coordinate geometry, we may say that the interfacial tension differentiates the dimensions across the interface ("superficial" dimensions) from those of the original.
f.     The relativistic energy is composed of two opposite components as expressed in E2 = m2c4 + p2c2
g.    Minkowski died one year only after the discovery, leaving confusion on his discovered object (spacetime)’s structure.
h.   The ancients called such worlds seven heavens.

1.    Einstein, A. et al.: " The Principle of Relativity," Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1952, p. 75.
2.    Einstein, A.: " The Meaning of Relativity," Princeton University Press, Fifth Edition, New Jersey, 1954, p. 31
3.    Einstein, A.: "Relativity," Crown Publishers Inc., Fifteenth Edition, New York, 1952, p.55
4.    Hawking, S.: "A Brief History of Time," Bantam Books, London, 1989, p. 3.