Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Physics and the Origin of Species

We may describe the whole universe as a composite of universal essential substances namely the intelligence-consciousness, reflected by the highest dimensional spacetime which lies at the outermost of the system, embedding the information and matter-energy "residing" in lower dimensional spacetimes. Figure-1 shows the different presentations of such structure in terms of multidimensional worlds (macro-cosmos) with its possible projection to the micro-cosmos representing the metaphysical structure of human beings a).

As does energy, these fundamental properties of the universe, i.e., the universal intelligence-consciousness and information b) permeate throughout the whole universe which the brain or some other nerve systems may intercept. Certain parts of the brain or other particular nerve systems should function like a biological receiving radio or a processing computer with quantum “internet” access which antennae can receive those “metaphysical” waves either universally or particularly.
The kingdoms other than that of human beings, i.e. animals, plants and matters have lower capacity on receiving such waves. The human beings' metaphysical structure is the most complex and perfect compared to the others. Human possesses intelligence, consciousness, on top of information, energy and matter properties. The animal kingdom has a similar structure, but intelligence, while the plant kingdom has neither intelligence nor consciousness. The material kingdom possesses only matter with its associated energy without information property c) (Figure-2).

Each species within a certain kingdom may evolve ["vertically"] toward more complex molecular or biological structure (d) toward the ultimate perfection but cannot evolve ["horizontally"] across and beyond its metaphysical structure. Charles Darwin (1) shocked the world when he declared that human had originated from an ancestor of ape-like and was merely the representative of one among many Families of the order Primates in the class Mammalian.
Indeed when he studied the origin of species and their biological evolution, Darwin ignored these non-physical structures which differed substantially to each other and wished to discover the missing-link which never occurred.
a.    The ancients phrase for such projection was "as above so below."
b. The basic premise of the existence of Universal Intelligence-Consciousness permeating the whole universe as elucidated in this and previous articles may lead to the idea of what is popularly called  Intelligent Design (ID).
c.    With this information property, the plants possess some awareness toward their environment such as among other gravity, light and in individual plants (for example mimosa pudic a) friction.
d.    Material kingdom evolved from a simple molecule consisting only a few atoms to the most sophisticated but unstable molecule of high number atoms. The plant and animal kingdoms evolved from one single cell toward the most complicated biological body. The evolution of human being is not physical but metaphysical leading to a higher degree of consciousness and intelligence (from 7-D up to 10-D?)
1.    Darwin, C.: “On the Origin of Species," A Mentor Book, New York, 1958.

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